Simple Partial Seizures

July 11, 2007 at 1:37 pm Leave a comment

Since I was really little I’ve had these weird “episodes” and until recently I’ve had absolutely no clue what they were. They happen at seemingly random times but lately I’ve noticed that they have occurred when I’ve been looking at a computer screen.

I get this strange, panic-like emotion, I also hear a voice that is panic-stricken and angry. While I couldn’t tell you anything specific the voice actually says, the gist is that it’s urging me to “hurry, hurry, hurry.” I also have a perception during these episodes I am moving very quickly and that things around me are moving very quickly. The strange part is that at the same time I’m “perceiving” this speed, hearing this voice, and feeling this panic, I’m also absolutely aware that both myself and my environment are completely normal – that no actual change or speeding up is taking place.

These episodes, which can last anywhere from 2-15 minutes, are extremely disconcerting in the moment and prevent me from conversing clearly. Afterwards, I develop a terrible headache, nausea, and even a bit of blurred vision and light sensitivity for at least a few additional hours.

I’ve done some internet research on it and have a strong suspicion that it might be simple partial seizures. See here for a more detailed description. The only reason I even thought of this as being seizure-related was that my dad has a more serious seizure disorder. One of my sisters has also talked to me about having similar episodes to the ones I describe.

I wouldn’t worry about them except that the past few times I’ve had them, they’ve really increased in intensity and length and the aftereffects are worse than they ever were growing up.

I’ve never been diagnosed with anything, but I wonder if I should see a doctor or if, because they don’t effect my life that often (I only have these about once a month) I should just kind of deal with it. The research I’ve found doesn’t mention that there’s a lot of treatment that can or should be done unless the seizures severely affect your ability to function. Aside from my sister I’ve never talked to anyone who experiences this kind of thing or even to a doctor who knows much about it.

Anyway, I had one this morning and suffice it to say I’m feeling pretty crappy right now.

Entry filed under: health.

Summer Jams Just for funny

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